People with visual impairment can find objects with the help of Android – Tecnoblog

Google Play Protect deixa o Android mais seguro ao barras apps nocivos (imagem: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog)

Google announces new features for the Dia Mundial de Conscientização sobre a Accessibilidade (Image: Vitor Pádua / Tecnoblog) The best technology is not nosso channel no whatsapp Google will update your Lookout tool, on Android, so that you can help people with visual impairments who purchase items from your restaurant. The new recurso is called … Read more

How to clean the application cache on Android cell phone – Tecnoblog

Uma mão segura um celular Android com a tela exibido as informações de armazenamento do navegador Google Chrome

Discover the step by step to clean the cache of Samsung, Motorola and Xiaomi mobile applications (Image: Lupa Charleaux/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Hidden No nosso channel no whatsapp The action of clearing the cache of the Android cell phone is carried out in the configurations of the arming of the applications. The remedy is available … Read more

I will install free Internet in the RS shelters – Tecnoblog

Imagem aérea de cidade sob forte alagamento

City of Canoas, in Rio Grande do Sul, goes through a real history (Photo: Ricardo Stuckert/Presidência da República) Saiba more sober Oh No nosso channel no whatsapp To connect to a population helped by users, you will need to install free Wi-Fi in shelters in Rio Grande do Sul. The operator informs you about the … Read more

Microsoft PC Manager allows you to use Bing as Windows repair – Tecnoblog

Microsoft PC Manager sugere uso do Bing como dica de reparo no Windows (imagem: Emerson Alecrim/Tecnoblog)

Microsoft PC Manager allows you to use Bing as a repair under Windows (image: Emerson Alecrim/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Bing No nosso channel no whatsapp PC Manager is a utility that Microsoft launched in 2022 to help you use Windows 10 and 11. It is currently as an alternative to the famous CCleaner. Therefore, the … Read more

CMF: Nothing's sub-brand reference receives BIS certificate and can be launched in brief

A FMC parece estar preparando outro launchmento Alem do your first cell phone. Compliant noticiado pelo portal 91mobilesThis is a possible new smart watch, which can be purchased in the market to replace the model Watch Pro original, launched by pela sub-brand of Nothing in the past year. Even if you don't have your name … Read more

TikTok tests 60-minute videos to compete on YouTube – Tecnoblog


TikTok releases hour-long posts for creators (Image: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) Saiba more sober Tic Tac No nosso channel no whatsapp TikTok was born as an interesting platform for short videos, but going through the pace of duration limits to be afrouxando. To try to compete with YouTube, a liberating social network for certain content creators with … Read more

The thread interface is divided into columns, like the old TweetDeck – Tecnoblog

Threads columns contain different feeds, with an option to refresh at real pace (Image: Disclosure / Meta) Saiba more sober Topics No nosso channel no whatsapp Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, announced that the company is testing fixed columns for web chats. This can be used for tags, accounts and notifications, among other possibilities. Visually, … Read more

Let's assume the specifications of the Asus Vivobook with Snapdragon vazam – Tecnoblog

Asus Vivobook 16X

Asus is expected to launch the new Vivobook with Snapdragon X Elite at the Microsoft event (Image: Giovanni Santa Rosa/Tecnoblog) The best technology is not nosso channel no whatsapp Asus is about to launch its laptop powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite processor. The chip is enabled for the upper segment of the PC … Read more

You can install a Wi-Fi signal for free in shelters in Rio Grande do Sul.

Os abrigos no Rio Grande do Sul Terão Sinal Open from Wireless fornecido pela Oh to enable communication with people who are open. The operator has an email sender ( so that local officials can contact and authorize the installation of the necessary equipment. The city of Porto Alegre, inclusive, is one of the first … Read more